Winter 2025 LIFE Group Registration

LiFE Groups are a fantastic way to grow in your relationship with God, others and even yourself. Discussion questions are centered around the previous Sunday's sermon and are designed to foster community.

No homework is required, but it is suggested that you catch the sermon from worship either in-person or recorded.

Life Groups generally meet in-person, but if enough people are interested in a LIFE Group that meets via Zoom, one will be started.

Once registration forms are filled out, groups and leaders are assigned, then the hard work of establishing a meeting time and location will begin.

If you have questions, reach out to Pastor Anne.

LiFE Groups will run from January 26 to March 1, 2025.

Please fill out this form and click submit.

If a previous LIFE Group is still functioning as a group, those groups can stay together.  New groups will be created for those who are new to LIFE Groups at ERLC or would like to try a new group.
Please select one option.

LIFE Groups require a leader to keep the conversation flowing.  Leaders help by asking the questions that are provided by the pastors.
Please select one option.

LIFE Groups can meet in someone's home or alternatively in the ERLC building.  Please indicate if you are willing to host your group in your home.
Please select one option.

Friend Requests
Please select one option.


LiFE Groups are a fantastic way to grow in your relationship with God, others and even yourself. Discussion questions are centered around the previous Sunday's sermon and are designed to foster community.

No homework is required, but it is suggested that you catch the sermon from worship either in-person or recorded.

Life Groups generally meet in-person, but if enough people are interested in a LIFE Group that meets via Zoom, one will be started.

Once registration forms are filled out, groups and leaders are assigned, then the hard work of establishing a meeting time and location will begin.

If you have questions, reach out to Pastor Anne.

LiFE Groups will run from January 26 to March 1, 2025.

Please fill out this form and click submit.