Neighbor to Neighbor Check-In Form
Neighbor to Neighbor Ministry
Please fill out this form whenever you meet with your neighbor
Your Information
This address will receive a confirmation email
Your Neighbor's Information
Please fill out this information about the person with whom you met.
Name of your Neighbor
When did you meet with them?
Where did you meet:
Overall Impression of their mental/emotional wellbeing?
Please select one option.
They're doing well
They're getting by
They are struggling significantly
Select Option
They're doing well
They're getting by
They are struggling significantly
Were you there for the Talk Team or the Task Team?
Please select all that apply.
Talk Team
Task Team
Did you serve communion?
Please select all that apply.
Talk Team
Please only fill out this section if you are on the Talk Team
Summarize your conversation (Vague description is fine. Please honor confidentiality, and no need for a lot of details.)
Does this neighbor need a follow-up call from a pastor?
Please select all that apply.
Not at this time
Anything else you'd like the pastors to know?
Task Team
Please only fill out this section if you are on the Task Team
What task did you do today?
Did you feel safe in completing your tasks?
Please select all that apply.
Any future plans to go back to this neighbor at this time?
Neighbor to Neighbor Ministry
Please fill out this form whenever you meet with your neighbor
Please Fix the Following